NCRI Revealing New Documents Confirms Mullahs’ Regime Brutality and Extensiveness of Iran Protests

NCRI Revealing New documents confirms mullahs’ regime brutality and extensiveness of Iran protests
NCRI Revealing New documents confirms mullahs’ regime brutality and extensiveness of Iran protests

The Iranian Resistance revealed documents on the transfer of 60 protesters wounded during the nationwide Iran protests in November to the hospitals in Tehran by the Emergency Organization from November 15 to 18, 2019. These documents confirm the extent of the Iran protests and the regime’s crime against humanity.  

A document revealed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) asserts that, “Among the 60 wounded taken to the hospital by the country’s Emergency Organization, there are six women, two of whom were shot by the security forces. Five young men have been registered as unidentified in the Emergency Organization documents. 

Although this is but a small part of the regime’s brutality during the nationwide Iran protests, it nevertheless shows the huge dimensions of the uprising and how it shook the regime’s foundation.  

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK), via its vast network inside Iran, on December 15, 2019 announced that the regime’s security forces killed over 1500 people across Iran. The MEK, after months of collecting information, published the names and pictures of over 750.  

Shortly after the MEK, Reuters in its special report on December 23, confirmed the number of the Iran protests’ martyrs to be 1500.  

The Iranian regime, rattled by this uprising, cut the internet to freely brutalize and oppress people and prevent mounting international pressure, and most importantly to cut the relation between people and their organized Resistance. Footages obtained by the MEK show the regime’s security forces shooting people on the streets at pointblank range, and particularly a shocking video shows the regime’s thugs attacking and killing a young man with an axe.

After oppressing the Iranian people’s uprising, the regime’s authorities refused to announce the number of martyrs for months and kept shifting responsibility to each other. This portrayed the regime’s fear of the explosive society that needs a spark to explode.  

Now, using the coronavirus pandemic and other crises, the regime’s authorities try to announce a much smaller number of deaths during the protests. In this regard, the regime’s Minister of Interior, Abdolreza Rahamani Fazli, announced that around 250 people were killed during the Iran protests. Following the same pattern of deception and criminality, Mojtaba Zolnouri, a security figure, claimed: “Only 230 were killed during the November incident.” They both blatantly claimed dozens of those 230 people killed were the regime’s security forces.  

In this regard, Rahmani Fazli, while trying to shift the blame on a third party and yet justifying the regime’s brutal suppression of protesters said: “Some 40 to 45 people were killed with unofficial and unregistered guns.”   

These acknowledgments, as well as the documents’ released by the NCRI, confirm the regime’s crimes during the nationwide uprising, underlining the need for the international community to intervene and condemn the regime.  


Major Iran protests erupted in November 2019 triggering the greatest existential crisis in the regime’s 40-year history. Protesters took to the streets in at least 191 cities calling for regime change. The regime has resorted to brute repression, killing at least 1500 protesters and arresting thousands more. It also shut down Iran’s internet completely for a week, blocking images of the protests from reaching the outside world.   

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