Nationwide protests have not ended, regime official warns

NCRI – An official of the Iranian regime has warned that popular uprisings against the clerical regime have not ended, according to the state-run Mehr news agency on Sunday.

Alireza Afshar, an Interior Minister deputy in social affairs and the former commander of the paramilitary Bassij Force, was quoted as saying, “We must not think that the 2009 events formed a sedition that has ended and fail to see our enemies’ continued plans.” He was referring to the persistent popular protests against the clerical regime in 2009.

Afshar also pointed to the potential for protests among university students and called on the regime’s agents in the country’s campuses to “put aside any naïve thoughts and pay attention to the complexities of the soft threats. The enemy is not sitting idly and is plotting against our Islamic system using every means and opportunity.”

He said “the enemy” is pursuing its interests through the Iranian people, youths and university students.


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