MEK and NCRI Supporters Hold Protests in Solidarity With the Nationwide Iran Protests

MEK and NCRI Supporters Hold Protests in Solidarity With the Nationwide Iran Protests

Members of the Iranian communities, supporters of the, urging the to dispatch a fact-finding mission to visit those arrested. Dec 10, MEK supporters in Sweden, the Netherlands & Switzerland will continue voicing their solidarity with & for 40 years of violations of by Mullahs in , specially recent killing, torture & suppression of protesters.

— Dowlat Nowrouzi (@DowlatNowrouzi) December 9, 2019

During this rally, the Iranian youth association in Switzerland declared that it “Stands with the courageous youth of Iran in their uprising against the clerical regime and for freedom & democracy.” 

Last week MEK supporters in London, Rome, Hamburg, Brussels, Stockholm, Oslo, The Hague, Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Vienna, Bern, Arhus, Washington DC, Dallas, San Francisco, Ann Arbor, Toronto, Ottawa, and Canberra (Australia) staged demonstrations to support the nationwide Iran protests. They also urged the United Nations to stop the massacre by the mullahs’ regime and dispatch a fact-finding mission to Iran. 

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