Latest update on student protests

NCRI – Students at Foolad University and Mohajer Technical University in the city of Isfahan protested against internet restrictions and censorship imposed in the university on Thursday, November 28.

More than 300 students of Polytechnic University staged protest on Sunday, November 24, to protest the death of a 17-year-old labor, who fell down from the sixth floor of the electricity engineering and mechanic college building. The protesters objected towards child labor in construction projects.

One of the students said, “Erfan Mamizadeh, 17, fell down from the scaffold of the sixth floor of this building and died instantly.”

Female students were also actively present in this protest, despite pressures and restrictions imposed on them.

Students at Azad University in Qum majoring in Chemistry gathered in protest on Wednesday, November 27, to object insults and suppressive measures imposed on the students by the head of the Chemistry group that had come from a university belonging to the Basij force to teach the students. At the same time, the female students at this university gathered outside the disciplinary office to show their objection towards their prevention to appear on the university yard and campus.

The university disciplinary has separated the yard of female students, which is very far away and students have to walk a long distance just to spend a few minutes on the campus ground.

On the other hand, students at Payam-e Nour University in the city of Ahwaz protested on Sunday, November 24, against the lack of proper facilities to establish a journalist class.

This class was supposed to be held in the university’s amphitheater; however, with the lack of facilities and accommodation, the class was called-off. Following the students’ protest, the class was established in a trailer.

Students at Elm-o San’at University also protested demanding the resignation of the university Dean.

Following the death of a student at Pardis Agricultural College due to electrocuting, students at this university did not attend class for 3 continuous days to show their protest. These students demanded officials to address the horrible condition at the dormitory and its electricity system. The students then warned the Dean of holding a strike incase demands are not met.

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