Latest Labor Protests Across Iran


NCRI – The protest gathering of the workers of polyacryl factory

In the morning of Tuesday December 13th 2016, more than 400 workers of polyacryl factory of Isfahan rallied in front of the Governor-general office of the city and protested against the 6-month overdue salaries. The workers were holding placards on which was written:” we are the workers of polyacryl factory of Iran. We don’t have even a bread to eat. How long shall we wait? We have not received the 6-month overdue salaries.”

In addition to the workers of polyacryl factory, a group of workers of DMT Company, which is the subdivision of polyacryl factory and the producer of textile raw material, also participated in the rally. They have also lodged a protest against the 7-month overdue salaries.

The workers of Marun Petrochemical Complex protested for the second day in a row

On December 14th 2016, a group of workers of Marun Petrochemical Complex located in Khuzestan Province (South West of Iran) protested against their working conditions in the plant area for the second day in a row.

One of the workers participating in the rally said:”2500 workers are employed in Marun Petrochemical Complex. The workers protested since the plan of job’s classification was not implemented in this industry unit and the complex continuously recruits the non-native workers.”

The worker also discussed the wage conditions:”to this day, there has been no salaries unification. The increase in the wages does not correlate with the job experience of the workers who are working hard in this industrial unit.”

At the end of his talk, he pointed out that some authorities have promised to address the demands of the workers in the next coming year whereas already these kind of promises have been made but no action has followed to solve the issues.

The workers of Meymeh dam project gathered in front of the governor office of Dehloran,Ilam

As ILNA news agency reports, a group of workers of Meymeh dam project rallied in front of the governor office of Dehloran (located in Ilam Province) to protest against the overdue salaries on 12th December 2016.

One of the workers said:”the protesters are workers who have lost their job and yet they could not manage to get their overdue receivables. The workers of Meymeh dam project have not yet received the 5-month overdue salaries. Consequently, the workers are suffering a severe economic hardship.”

The worker also claimed that the prime contractor of Meymeh dam project has not yet paid the receivables of sub-contractors for a year due to lack of funds.


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