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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsKhamenei's clout has eroded, former IRGC commander confesses

Khamenei’s clout has eroded, former IRGC commander confesses

Khamenei's clout has eroded, former IRGC commander confessesNCRI – The year-long nationwide protests in Iran have eroded the authority of the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, a former commander-in-chief of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards said on Tuesday.

According to the state-run Tabnak website, Mohsen Rezai pointed to the uprising’s consequences for the faltering regime and its Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, and added, “During the incidents that followed the elections [in June 2009], the Supreme Leader, the Imam [Ruhollah Khomeini], their followers and the values of the revolution were all brought into question.”

Rezai, who is also the Secretary of the regime’s State Expediency Council, said the consequences of the uprising will be felt permanently in the minds of the third and fourth generations after the 1979 revolution. He also confessed to the regime’s lack of legitimacy and international isolation, and added, “In my opinion, the enemies and opponents of the Islamic Republic reaped the most benefits from post-election incidents. First, they brought into question the dignity of our revolution in the Islamic world and they brought into question our political dignity in the context of international relations. And, secondly our ideals were also questioned domestically and those who did this brought the most harm to the Iranian nation. They also weakened national solidarity.”

Rezai warned that, “Today, we need new to have capabilities to face further protests. We need to manage protests and political activists, parties and elites have no less if not more of a role in doing so than the establishment.”