ISFAHAN, Iran. Apr.13, 2018. Protesting Farmers Chant: “Our enemy is here, it is falsely said to be America”


NCRI Staff

NCRI – Protest rally and demonstrations of Isfahan province farmers against “water resources mismanagement” continued on Friday, April 13th.

According to reports, the center of Friday gatherings was at the Kourasgan region of Isfahan and some surrounding areas. In these videos, in particular, the slogan “Our enemy is here, it is falsely said to be America” and the widespread presence of women in the march was remarkable.

Reports also indicate the presence of riot forces with riot cannon equipped busses and tear gas rifles on the path to farmers’ march.

In social networking films, the speaker of the police commander is also seen talking to the crowd, which in turn is faced with more ptotests.

In his speech, he claims that in the “Islamic Republic of Iran, at the behest of the leader of the regime, they (security forces) have been dealing with all the embezzlers so far.” 


Simultaniously, the Friday prayer Imam of the regime in Isfahan said: “I will not give farmers, any right to protest anymore.”


Friday prayer’s Imam of Isfahan also accused protesters of “not having water problems and  just intend to createte insurgency; all families have been given money, and there is no water, and there should not be any expectation”.


According to the state run IRNA news agency, a regime official called Yousuf Tabatabaye Nejad  in response to the protests, said: “Consecutive protest gatherings and slogans show that they want to create instability and chaos.”


The Eastern regions of Isfahan have 300,000 inhabitants who are mainly farming, but the drought has severely caused them of job and livelihood difficulties.

According to the report, the fair water share of the farmers in the east of Isfahan from Zayandehrud river which is the main source of water is about 400 million cubic meters, but this amount has not been allocated in recent years, and despite the flow of water in Zayandehrud in a certain period since last year, only about 40 percent of the 100,000 hectares of Agricultural lands of the east of Isfahan went under cultivation.

Farmers believe that unauthorized use of water in upstream areas of the Zayandehrood River including Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, the development of industry in the provinces of Isfahan and Yazd, and the development of green space, have caused the eradication of agriculture in the Eastern region of Isfahan. ”

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