IRGC commander warns against protests in Iran after Egypt uprising

NCRI – A commander of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards referred to uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt on Friday, warning, “The enemy is devising plans and it is possible for it to launch another sedition.”

By “sedition,” he was referring to the 2009 mass uprisings against the regime.


In an interview with the state-run Khabar Online on Saturday, Hossein Hamedani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Tehran, was asked, “There are some who refer to the 2009 [anti-regime protests] saying that there is still fire under the ashes and there is a chance of resurgence at any moment. How do you view the warnings and counsel of senior officials and supporters of the establishment with regards to the resurgence of the fire burning under the ashes?”

Hamedani replied, “I myself have said on multiple occasions that the enemy is preparing for a new sedition. We have to be ready.”

Hamedani also issued veiled threats by saying, “This time, we will not be stopped in our path for a brief time period because of a sedition. In the future, we will not have only one sedition. We will continuously face challenges on the path of the Islamic revolution.”

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