IRGC Appoints Hossain Nejat as Commander of Sarrallah Base: Sign of Regime’s Utter Fear of Iran Protests

Brigadier General Hossein Nejat as his deputy and acting commander of the IRGC’s Sarallah Base in Tehran
Brigadier General Hossein Nejat as his deputy and acting commander of the IRGC’s Sarallah Base in Tehran

Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) commander Hossein Salami appointed Brigadier General Hossein Nejat as his deputy and acting commander of the IRGC’s Sarallah Base in Tehran, which is tasked with confronting possible uprisings. This move shows the regime’s utmost fear of the restive Iranian society and another possible uprising.

Since its foundation, the IRGC’s main task has been suppressing the Iranian society and preserving the regime’s security. To prevent the capital from falling and quell possible protests, the regime founded Sarallah Base in 1995. According to the regime, Sarollah is one of the security bases of the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran, tasked with managing the security of the capital and other cities of Tehran province. It is the main security unit within the IRGC.

In times of crisis, at the discretion of the Supreme National Security Council of the regime, the Sarollah base is responsible for the security of Tehran province. The Ministry of Intelligence, the police, and all government ministries are under operational control of this base.

Three IRGC provincial garrisons, Mohammad Rasoulallah in Greater Tehran, Sayed ol-Shohada Garrison in Tehran Province, and Imam Hassan Garrison of Alborz Province, near Tehran, as well as hundreds of Basij militia bases, the IRGC’s 27th Division in Tehran and the 10th Division in Karaj are part of the forces under Sarallah’s command.

Due to its importance, Sarallah is under the direct command of the IRGC’s commander in chief. Now engulfed with crises, Salami appoint Hossein Nejat as the acting-commander of Sarallah.

In a nutshell, Sarallah headquarters is an important part of the security apparatus of the IRGC, under the direct supervision of its commander and its primary responsibility is to provide security for Iran’s capital.

During the nationwide Iran protests in November 2019, Sarallah headquarters played an important role in killing and arresting protesters.

Who is Hossein Nejat?

Mohammad Hossein Zibaee Nejad, known as Hossein Nejat, joined the IRGC 40 years ago. He has worked for many years in the IRGC’s intelligence unit. During the Iran-Iraq war, Nejat was the counter-intelligence chief of the IRGC’s Khatam ol-Anbia base, which now controls Iran’s economy and was the most important IRGC headquarters during the war.

Nejat was the commander of Vali-e Amr Corps which is originally founded to protect Khamenei and other regime officials. He played an important role in oppressing protesters during the 2009 protests in Tehran. In 2016, Nejat was appointed as a senior deputy to IRGC Intelligence Chief Hossein Taeb and remained in that position until spring of 2019. The IRGC Intelligence Organization has turned into a powerful intelligence organization and is directly under the control of supreme leader Ali Khamenei’s office.

Following the latest changes in the structure of the IRGC’s command network in 2019, Nejat was appointed the IRGC’s deputy commander for cultural affairs, overseeing the regime’s propaganda and export of extremism abroad.

Appointing Hossein Nejat as the commander of the base tasked with oppressing the Iranian people’s uprising happens amid the second wave of the coronavirus outbreak with its increasing death toll which is the result of the regime’s criminal decision to force people back to work.

Forty years of oppression, plundering the national wealth and now the COVID-19 crisis, particularly after the November nationwide, have turned the Iranian society into a powder keg ready to explode. The November uprising shook the regime’s foundation. Now experiencing an unprecedented international isolation, the regime fears the restive Iranian society the most. Therefore, appointing Hossein Nejat as the acting commander of Sarallah division is another desperate move to preserve the regime’s security.

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