IRGC and Ahmadinejad divided over possibility of military attack

NCRI – Disagreements have surfaced between the Revolutionary Guards and the mullahs’ President ‎Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about the probability of a military strike against the Iranian regime, according ‎to a senior Revolutionary Guards commander.‎

The state-run Khabar Online quoted the commander of the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard ‎Corps (IRGC) in Tehran on Sunday as saying, “One of the problems we had with the government was ‎that the government kept saying that there would not be a military strike. But, our military ‎commanders consider it a serious probability based on the intelligence and assessments.”‎

Hossein Hamedani also responded to rival factions by saying that the IRGC was from the very outset of ‎the Iranian regime’s creation actively participating in politics to safeguard the absolute rule of clerics.‎

He specifically pointed out to the IRGC’s activities to support the election bid of the regime’s first ‎president Abolhassan Banisadr. “Yes, we campaigned for him,” Hamedani said. “Banisadr was really ‎the candidate for the IRGC in Hamedan.”

The IRGC commander in Tehran concluded, “So, those who say that the IRGC has just become political ‎are mistaken. The IRGC was political since the day it was created. Without a place in politics, it would ‎not be what it is today.”‎

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