Iranians in Paris protest violations of human rights under Rouhani

NCRI – A group of Iranians living in Paris, supporters of the Iranian Resistance, assembled in Human Rights square in Trocadero, Paris to condemn human rights violations under Hassan Rouhani in Iran.

Simultaneous with the first year of Hassan Rouhani assuming power, the rally strongly condemned deteriorating human rights situation and called upon French government and international community to urge the Iranian regime to stop the heinous ongoing executions and immediately free all political prisoners without any condition.

The protesters also called for the protection of Iranian opposition members in Camp Liberty in Iraq.

They also called for the release of seven residents of Camp Ashraf taken by Nouri al-Maliki forces in Iraq on September 1 massacre during which 52 unarmed members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) where shot and killed.

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