Iranian youths and sports fans say a big NO to mullahs



Only 100 spectators showed up for the Iceland-Iran match held at Tehran’s Azadi Stadium

NCRI – In an unprecedented event in the history of Iranian football, Iranians sanctioned the Iran-Iceland match held in Tehran’s Azadi Stadium on Tuesday.

Despite the fact that Iranian regime’s authorities worked hard to entice people to the match on Tuesday evening, only a group of one hundred of the regime’s agents appeared in the empty spectators’ seats.

“In spite of efforts by Afshin Ghotbi to have spectators show up in the stadium, only 100 attended to watch the match between the two countries national teams,” reported the state-run INN website. 

Last month, over 100.000 Iranian sports fans showed up in Azadi Stadium and chanted “death to dictator,” and “as long as Ahmadinejad is in power this situation will continue.”

The Sports Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran salutes the strong determination and will of courageous Iranian youths and people. It calls on all Iranian champions and sportspersons to leave the sport’s camps of the clerical regime in Iran.

Athletics Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 11, 2009

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