Iranian workers protest for their rights in Tehran


NCRI – Iranian workers protested on Saturday in central Tehran denouncing the detention of banned union activists and demanding labor rights currently denied to them by the mullahs’ regime.

The rally had been organized by the state-affiliated Worker’s House, and there was a heavy police presence to ensure that the rally did not get out of hand. In the middle of the procession, however, large numbers of workers began to chant slogans against the regime and demanded freedom for political prisoners.

“Arrested workers must be freed,” they chanted.

They also held up banners with messages countering those that had been produced by the official state-affiliated body.

Some of the banners of the anti-regime protesters read:

“Unemployment is the main source of vice.”
“We demand job security. Temporary contracts must be terminated.”
“Employment, security and sustenance are our inalienable rights.”

It was stated at the rally that many Iranian workers who toil for 15 hours a day are still unable to earn enough to feed their families.

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