Iranian teachers protest in city of Bushehr


A group of Iranian teachers gathered Thursday outside the local office of the Education Ministry in the city of Bushehr (southern Iran) to protest job discrimination and unpaid wages.

During the past few months, tens of thousands of teachers in close to 70 cities in 27 provinces concurrently held protest gatherings against oppression and injustice by the clerical regime in Iran.

The protests followed arrests of many teachers by the mullahs’ intelligence ministry.

Despite the threats, the courageous teachers of Tehran staged a protest gatherings. They chanted: “Imprisoned teachers must be freed”, “Criticism is forbidden, embezzlement is permitted”, and “Ranking is just a deception”.

Concurrent with the nationwide protest against the velayat-e faqih dictatorship, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi said: “As long as the clerical regime is in power in Iran, poverty, unemployment, inflation and soaring prices that hurt the people in general and teachers and workers in particular, shall just get worse. “

“Only the overthrow of this anti-human regime by the people and the Iranian Resistance and the establishment of democracy will bring this great catastrophe to an end.”

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