Iranian regime official calls for more measures to confront popular protests

NCRI – A senior official of the Iranian regime has called on agents of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to confront “the establishment’s enemies” who are intent on overthrowing the regime, in a veiled reference to anti-regime protests.

Masoud Jazayeri, the director of the regime’s Joint Forces Psychological Operations Headquarters, said, “The enemy has carried out extensive attempts to bring down the Islamic Republic of Iran, and will continue to do so. We have to receive the necessary training to prepare for future plots.”

His comments were posted on the state-run Fars news agency on Friday.

“Currently, the enemy is formulating plans for subsequent years and we have to carry out the same level of preparation as well,” he said.

Describing extensive popular uprisings against the clerical regime as a “soft war,” Jazayeri added, “The enemy’s current strategy is to use a soft war which has economic, social and security interconnections. This is a type of soft war that does not have any precedents.”

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