Iranian people defy rulers, celebrate Fire Festival


NCRI – The people across Iran have defied the security forces and used the annual Fire Festival to express their anger at the tyrannical regime.

In cities across the country, youth ignored threats of arrest and prison and lit fires and set off home-made explosives in protest at the ruling mullahs.

Iran regime’s leaders had feared people would use the festival to demonstrate against their dictatorship.

In Tehran, police tried but failed to prevent young people lighting fires and exploding hand-made bombs and firecrackers. In the north of the city, youths attacked the Saderat bank.

In Lavasan district of Tehran, police were too concerned for their own safety to tackle youths lighting bonfires in the street.

And in one district of Shiraz, people chanted, ‘Damn high prices, Down with mullahs’ and even set ablaze a police car in the city’’s Chamran Street.

In Zanjan, youth defied the police and army by setting off fireworks. In Karaj, SSF and plain clothes agents were too terrified to break up gatherings, INLA reported.

Also, in the Kian Pars district of Ahwaz, the SSF were unable to disperse large crowds, while in Sanandaj, the mullahs deployed an anti-riot unit and established an unofficial martial law to regain control of the city.

During the festival – which dates back to the 7th Century – Iranians traditionally celebrate by lighting bonfires and jumping through the flames.

In recent years, security forces have been cracking down on celebration up to two months before it begins by banning firecrackers, sparklers, rockets and even home-made grenades.

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