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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsIran: Unrests have reached a dangerous level, says former IRGC chief

Iran: Unrests have reached a dangerous level, says former IRGC chief

Anti-government protest in Tehran, Dec. 7, 2009NCRI- Mohsen Rezai, the Secretary of the Iranian Regime’s Exigency Council and the former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) issued a statement and warned that the continuation of the unrests has reached a dangerous level and is out of control.

He asked Moussavi, Karrubi, Khatami and Rafsanjani and the leaders of the three branches of the regime to participate in the Friday Prayer and express their support for Khamenei in order to save the regime.

Anti-government protest in Tehran, Dec. 7, 2009NCRI- Mohsen Rezai, the Secretary of the Iranian Regime’s Exigency Council and the former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) issued a statement and warned that the continuation of the unrests has reached a dangerous level and is out of control.

He asked Moussavi, Karrubi, Khatami and Rafsanjani and the leaders of the three branches of the regime to participate in the Friday Prayer and express their support for Khamenei in order to save the regime.

Rezai wrote in his statement: “The post-election unrests have inflicted serious damage and major expense on the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic. Incompetency, weakness in management and breaking the law resulted in bitter and disturbing events.”

Fearing escalation of the nationwide uprising, he said the unrest is out of control of the regime’s forces. He added: “Today, the continuation of the disturbances has reached a dangerous line. Insulting Imam’s picture, in any fashion and by whomever, demonstrates that continuation of the unrests is not managed or led by our own people and it is not clear what it has in for us in future.”

Rezai warned the former and current regime leaders about their feuds and said that gathering under the flag of the religious leader is the only way for unity. He wrote: “Another initiative would be to express allegiance to Imam’s and leader Khamenei’s ideals in a group-wise fashion by Moussavi, Khatami, and Karroubi as well as Nateq Nuri, Rafsanjani and Mahdavi Kani along with the leaders of the three branches. This can take place at this week’s Friday Prayer or in any other venue that they accept to do.”

Source: State-run news agency ILNA, December 14, 2009