Iran’s Regime Tortures to Death Protesters Arrested During Iran Protests

Iran’s Regime Tortures to Death Protesters Arrested During Iran Protests

Reports indicate that Iran’s regime is torturing to death those arrested during the recent has announced the names of 457 of more than 1000 protesters killed by Iran’s regime in the Iran protests. The MEK has also published the photographs of 169 victims. conf.:From the1st hour,the regime brought in all its suppressive forces,including the , the paramilitary Bassij,the &plainclothes agents. In , & , the regime utilized tanks &armored personnel carriers.Also used helicopters

— NCRI-FAC (@iran_policy) November 22, 2019

“17-year-old Arvin Ranin was arrested by the Islamic Revolutionary Corps (IRGC) forces in Marivan during the protests. He was reportedly tortured to death. His family was forced to make payments to have the body of their loved one returned to them,” the report added. 

“A woman identified as Halimeh Samiri arrested and detained during the November Iran protests in Abadan. She was tortured to death by the regime’s revolutionary guards who later threw her lifeless body outside her father’s residence” the report also added. 

“Another protester who was tortured to death is 30-year-old Kaveh Veisani. He was arrested on November 17, by the IRGC forces in Sanandaj, in Iran’s Kurdistan province. His dead body which bore signs of torture including bruises, was found on December 6, in the city’s suburbs. He had a 2-year-old girl and his wife is expecting a child,” the report concluded. 

The protests began on November 15 over rising gasoline prices but quickly turned political. The Iranian regime started using violence against defenseless protesters from the beginning of these protests.   

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has called on the United Nations Security Council to condemn this major crime. The UN must immediately dispatch fact-finding missions to Iran to investigate about those killed, injured and imprisoned, she said.  “Inaction vis-à-vis this unprecedented crime is inexcusable and will be construed by the regime as a green light to continue and intensify its atrocities”, Mrs. Rajavi said. 

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