Activities of Resistance Units in 11 Cities inside Iran

Babol – activity of Resistance Units- Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi

On Saturday, July 3rd, MEK supporters and Resistance Units continued their anti-repression activities in Tehran and various cities including Qazvin, Babol, Sari, Ahvaz, Mashhad, Nishapur, Karaj, Shiraz, Khorram Abad, and Bandar Abbas. They also sprayed graffiti on walls, including excerpts from remarks by the Iranian Resistance leadership and calls for the overthrowing of the Iranian regime and freeing Iran from the rule of religious fascism.

Some of the placards and leaflets read: “Democracy and freedom with Maryam Rajavi”, “Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi”, “Death to Khamenei, Viva Rajavi”, “Neither the Shah, nor the Leader (Khamenei)”, “Massoud Rajavi: No power in the world can prevent the uprising and victory of the Iranian people”, “Maryam Rajavi: We desire democracy, freedom, and equality”, “Maryam Rajavi: This most beautiful homeland can and should be freed from the yoke of the mullahs”, “Maryam Rajavi: There is no force in the world stronger than our will for freedom”, “Maryam Rajavi: We can win over the dictatorial Velayat-e Faqih regime”, “Maryam Rajavi: the This Resistance holds the key to overthrowing the ruling theocracy”, “Maryam Rajavi is the symbol of tomorrow’s free Iran”, and “Maryam Rajavi: You can and should break the spell of repression”.

Pictures of some of these activities are given below.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

July 4, 2022

Tehran – the activity of Resistance Units – With Maryam Rajavi, we can win over the dictatorial system of Velayat Faqih.
Tehran – the activity of Resistance Units – Maryam Rajavi:
“This most beautiful homeland can and should be freed from the yoke of the mullahs.”
Tehran – the activity of Resistance Units- Maryam Rajavi: “No force in the world is stronger than our will for freedom”
Qazvin – activity of Resistance Units- Iran can and should be liberated with Maryam Rajavi

Babol – the activity of Resistance Units- Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi
Sari – the activity of Resistance Units- Maryam Rajavi, a symbol of free Iran
Ahvaz – the activity of Resistance Units- Maryam Rajavi: “This Resistance holds the key to overthrowing the ruling theocracy”
Khorramabad – Activity of Resistance Units- Maryam Rajavi: “We can and should overthrow the Velayat-e Faqih regime. Iran can and should be freed”
Tehran – the activity of Resistance Units- Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi
Tehran – the activity of Resistance Units- freedom democracy with Maryam Rajavi
Tehran – Activity of Resistance Units- Maryam Rajavi: “We want democracy, freedom, and equality”
Shiraz – activity of Resistance Units – Death to Khamenei, Viva Rajavi
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