Iran: Residents of northern province protest offending TV series broadcast

Bakhtiaris protest broadcast of offending TV seriesNCRI – The residents of a northern province in Iran gathered for the third time on Sunday to protest the broadcast of a TV series by the state-run broadcaster in Iran.

Residents of Mazandaran province gathered outside the governor’s office in the city of Sari to protest the broadcast of “Pay-e Takht 3” series that people find offending.

The protester demanded that the broadcast of the TV series be stopped.

In February thousands of Iranians from the Bakhtiari tribes staged a mass protest in a number of cities in anger at a TV series broadcast on a state-run network that they said was racist and insulting to their people.

The series entitled ‘The Old Land’ is a history of Iran from the 1940s to the mullahs seizing power in Iran in 1978. But the Bakhtiari claim it distorts historical facts about their tribes.

The protest led to clashes with State Security Forces and hundreds were arrested.
The Iranian regime was forced to remove the TV series.

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