Iran : Regime’s suppressive forces swarm streets to dampen protests

In Tehran, yesterday (June 25), some 1,000 State Security Forces (SSF) and plain-clothes agents could be seen all over Rezaiiha Square in Tehran, scene of major protests in the past several days. They were backed by 20-25 police vehicles, vans and a number of personal cars. Their numbers grew gradually at the square, especially in the surrounding streets. Despite the fact that shops are usually closed on Thursday afternoons and the number of people kept decreasing, the number of suppressive forces continued to escalate so that around 6:30, an estimated 3,000 agents were seen.

As an example, on Shiroudi Street (in front of Shiroudi sports center), which is no longer than 200 meters, about 20 vehicles and Fiat buses, and at least 500 plain-clothes agents and anti-riot and green-clothes forces were stationed. Later, 30-40 agents on motorcycles arrived in front of the sports center’s entrance floor. Such incredible build up of forces was emblematic of the regime’s desperate attempts to preclude large protests. This week, the regime’s Supreme Leader said that he will continue with the suppression of protests.

 Photo: A plainclothes agent of Iranian regime hunting down protestors

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