Iran: Regime sacks large number of university dean and academics

Iran UprisingNCRI – The Iranian regime’s Ministry of Science has announced that 17 university deans and the heads of three prominent research centers in Iran have been changed, according to the state-run Khabar Online on Monday.

Khabar Online said most observers believe that the changes will cover more than 50 percent of academic institutions in Iran in the near future. Some university deans hand in their resignations upon hearing about plans to dismiss them.

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s Ministry of Science has announced that 17 university deans and the heads of three prominent research centers in Iran have been changed, according to the state-run Khabar Online on Monday.

Khabar Online said most observers believe that the changes will cover more than 50 percent of academic institutions in Iran in the near future. Some university deans hand in their resignations upon hearing about plans to dismiss them.

Farhad Daneshjou, the dean of Teachers Education University in Tehran, and Dr. Sohrabpour, the dean of Sharif Industrial University, were among them.

University deans show a greater inclination to cutting ties with the regime’s Ministry of Science before being subjected to the changes.

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