Iran Protests Supported by a Bi-partisan Group of American Lawmakers


On Friday, the Organization of the Iranian American Communities hosted a virtual congressional briefing in solidarity with nationwide Iran protests. This conference featured messages from a bi-partisan group of 33 United States House of Representatives members and had the opposition’s president-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi as its keynote speaker.

“Although the regime might resort to even more violence, the developments (events) of the past five weeks, and particularly the fighting spirit of the young generation, the existence of Resistance Units across the country, and people’s support for them show that we have entered a new phase,” Mrs. Rajavi emphasized in her video message to the congressional briefing on Friday.

Mrs. Rajavi also highlighted the leading role of the Iranian opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), and its network of Resistance Units in the nationwide uprising.

“The uprising could not have continued without having some kind of organization or structure and the continuous activities of the Resistance Units on the ground,” she said, adding, “The uprising could not have continued without having some kind of organization or structure and the continuous activities of the Resistance Units on the ground.”

Mrs. Rajavi also underlined that Iranian women “play a leading role in the present uprising.”

“Women’s courage and leadership role did not emerge overnight, but they are rooted in the Iranian women’s 40-year struggle against this regime. Women do not demand anything from the regime. Their main demand is regime change. They know they need to overthrow the fundamentalist regime to achieve their rights,” she added.

“Mrs. Rajavi is correct that Iran is on the brink of freedom, and women have been at the forefront. But she has been a leading force in life for women to be reminded of the fact that freedom is precious. And yes, it causes severe loss of life,” said Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX).

“We know that Mrs. Rajavi took leadership of the [Iranian opposition] movement in 1989 and paved the way for a generation of women to take up the most senior positions of political leadership,” Congresswoman Jackson-Lee added.

She also praised Mrs. Rajavi’s ten-point plan and how this plan has been supported in House Resolution 118, with 257 members of the U.S. House of Representatives from both political parties supporting it.

The leading role of Iranian women, inspired by role models like Mrs. Rajavi, and the Resistance Units acting as the trailblazers of the nationwide uprising, were highlighted by several members of the U.S. House of Representatives. They also endorsed Mrs. Rajavi’s ten-point plan for a free Iran, which empowers women and rejects any form of dictatorship.

Friday’s event also featured several other messages by prominent U.S. lawmakers, the excerpt of which are as follows:  

“I’m a proud Co-sponsor of House Resolution 118, which stands up for the Iranian people and their desire for a democratic secular, and non-nuclear Iran. It’s terrible what’s going on right now, the depth of the young woman and how police are violently going after protesters who are standing up against the Iranian regime’s oppression of its own people,” said,” said Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) in this regard.

Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs: “The regime’s legacy of murdering dissidents is nothing new and has been used as a tactic for decades to stifle the Iranian people’s fight for freedom. This, of course, includes the brutal murder of thousands of dissidents during the 1988 massacre, perpetrated by regime officials, including now-president Raisi. We have introduced numerous resolutions in Congress reaffirming that the United States will always support the Iranian people in their quest for freedom. This resolution includes H. Res. 118, of which I am the chief democratic sponsor, which expresses support for the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear Republic of Iran. We in Congress must be unwavering in our support for their fight. I will continue to stand with you until the Iranian people can fulfill their right to freedom and democracy.”

Rep. Robert B. Aderholt (R-AL): I condemn the Iranian regime’s use of violence and suppression against women and support the Iranian people’s desire to resist oppression. My colleagues and I continue to stand with the people of Iran and their struggle to establish a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear Republic of Iran.”

Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA): “I proudly joined my colleague representative Adam Schiff in co-sponsoring his legislation HR 9075, to support the Iranian political prisoner’s act; of course, I want to emphasize my continued strong support for H. Res 118, which expresses support for the Iranian people’s desire for the Democratic Republic of Iran and condemning violations of human rights and state-sponsor of terrorism by the Iranian government.”

Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA): “Congress and the president must speak out forcefully and act decisively, and they must do so now that H. Res. 118 has 257 co-sponsors representing both political parties. It expresses support for the Iranian Resistance and its vision of a free, secular and non-nuclear Iran. I urge the leadership to bring it to the floor for a vote the moment that Congress returns in November. Meanwhile, I urge the President to speak out clearly to the world community.”

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX): “As a member of the House Armed Services Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee, I’m actively engaged in doing everything we can to oppose the Iranian regime. The United States will continue to call for an end to this totalitarian regime and calls for an immediate end to the terrorist activity sponsored by the Iranian leadership.”

Rep. Dutch Ruppensberger (D-MD): “I applaud the leadership of women in universities and in broader society who have taken it upon themselves to inspire change and stand against tyranny. I believe that oppression and gender-based violence have no place in our global society. I support the Iranian people’s aspiration for a democratic, secular, and nonnuclear Republic of Iran. I hope they know they are not alone in their protests of this regime.”

Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE): “I stand with the protesters today in Iran who want a government that respects human rights and human dignity; the Iranian people want democracy. I stand with you. We want a government that represents you with dignity and respect.”

Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX): “The United States Congress recognizes the right to self-determination for the Iranian people struggling to establish a democratic secular, and the non-nuclear Republic of Iran. I am absolutely honored to stand with these brave men and women who will not back down from the injustice of the totalitarian regime. Their courage and bravery are absolutely inspiring.”

Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL): “We cannot stand by and allow the leaders of this terrorist regime to continue persecuting its citizens when the only crime their citizens are guilty of is wanting a better life with more freedoms and democratic government.”

Rep. Sylvia R. Garcia (D-TX), a member of the Armed Services Committee and House Judiciary Committee: “Iranian people have the right to determine their own future. This is why I supported and voted for H. Res 118, which condemns Iranian state-sponsored terrorist attacks against U.S. citizens and officials and supports brave Iranians who stand up for democracy. I condemn the Iranian government’s use of violence and suppression against women and support the people’s desire to resist oppression. The people of Iran, we hear you, and we support you.”

Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: “I have long called for these gross violations of human rights to be investigated and sanctioned. I have introduced legislation that directs the United States to take immediate action to hold Iran accountable and to continue to assist organizations that are helping political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, and I will continue to offer and support legislation that makes clear the United States stands with the brave Iranian women and protesters and all Iranians in their fight for free expression and self-determination.”

Rep. Deborah Ross (D-NC): “I am standing with the women of Iran who are fighting and standing up for their freedom. It is time for the persecution of women in Iran and other countries to stop, but the only way it will stop is if we stand with them.”

Rep. David Trone (D-MD): “I stand with the Iranian people and I’m proud to join my colleagues in supporting actions that would contend human rights violations, establish sanctions on those responsible, and recognize that many Iranians who have put their lives on the line in this fight. In the coming days, Congress must continue to speak out on this issue and work toward a better future for the Iranian people.”

Rep. Josh Harder (D-CA): “I am awestruck and inspired by the leadership of women in the ranks of the Iranian resistance, as well as the visible participation and sacrifice of young Iranian people all across the country. The protesters in the streets of Iran are calling for an end to a totalitarian regime and they’re seeking a form of governance that derives its legitimacy from the people, not from an unelected single party.”

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee: “I wanted to commend you all for continuing to fight for your rights, especially the rights of women in your country. I was proud to support H. Res 118 to express support for your people’s desires for a democratic secular and the non-nuclear Republic of Iran. I encourage you to stay strong in your fight for a better future.”

Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Committee on Homeland Security: “For over a month across Iran, the people have been rising against their regime that stifles human rights generally, and equal rights for women in particular in the wake of the tragic death of Mahsa Amini. I am working with my colleagues to find meaningful ways including actions that forcefully condemn and sanction the regime to support your efforts at such a critical time in the history of Iran.”

Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL): “We stand with the Iranian people strongly as they continue to voice their dissatisfaction with the current system and their desires for a more just and peaceful, and democratic Iran. We must do everything we can to send a message that their aspirations and their desires and their dreams matter.”

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee: “I stand in solidarity with the individuals in Iran who are bravely advocating for their freedom at great personal risk. They want the freedom, liberties, and democracy that we hold so dear here in the United States, and I urge the Biden administration and all democracies around the world to support the women and the resistance movement during this incredibly historical time.”

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, House Committee on the Judiciary, and House Committee on Homeland Security: “I stand in solidarity with the courageous Iranian women who were protesting an oppressive government and the Iranian youth. I also stand with the reformed Resistance Units across Iran. I also stand with many of my colleagues in calling for the right of the Iranian people to establish a democratic and secular Republic of Iran.”

Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA): “I’m proud to be a co-sponsor of house resolution 1397, which condemns the Iranian government for the murder of Mahsa, and the brutal crackdown on protesters. The resolution also urges the US administration to impose additional sanctions against Iranian officials responsible for human rights abuses. I will continue to do everything I can in support of women of Iran as they fight for a better were equal future.”

Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX): “As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I will always support those fighting for freedom from oppressive regimes all around the world including in Iran. I’m heartened that so many Iranians are seizing this moment to demand that change as we confront rising authoritarianism across the world. An overwhelming bipartisan majority in the United States Congress is on your side. We stand united in support of the Iranian people to determine their own destiny through a democratic secular, and the non-nuclear Republic of Iran.”

Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA): “I’m heartened that so many Iranians are seizing this moment to demand that change. And as we confront rising authoritarianism across the world this fight is more important than ever. An overwhelming bipartisan majority in the United States Congress is on your side. We stand united in support of the Iranian people to determine their own destiny through a democratic secular and non-nuclear Republic of Iran.”

Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN), Chair of the House Defense Subcommittee: “I especially want to send my support to the Iranian women who have been at the forefront of the movement for equality and freedom. I’m a co-sponsor of H. Res. 118, which expresses support for the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear Iran and condemns violations of human rights and state-sponsored terrorism by the Iranian government.”

Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT): “I am so proud and inspired by the struggle being undertaken by the people of Iran, led now by the women and girls of Iran, for their freedom for their liberty, and their dignity. I am so thrilled with what is happening. As a member of Congress, I will tell you we will back as our founding ideals require us to do. We will back the Iranian people and their aspirations to live with rights and freedom, and dignity.”

Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN): “I co-sponsored a resolution condemning the state-sponsored terrorism that has haunted Iran for decades, and we also expressed support for the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic, non-nuclear Republic. The protests that have broken out across Iran have offered hope to the millions of Iranians clamoring for freedom. Together we look forward to the day when all Iranians will be able to live in peace.”

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), a member of the House Judiciary Committee: “The women of Iran are an inspiration to us. They are an example of what a freedom struggle can be in the 21st century, and we want to recognize the right of the people of Iran to a democratic and self-determination in a secular Republic against the theocrats and the dictators and the bullies who have been killing women involved in this great freedom struggle.”

Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN): I have been particularly inspired by the leadership of young women in the ranks of the Iranian resistance, as well as the participation and sacrifice of youth who have formed Resistance Units across Iran. I’m working to support peace and stability in the Middle East by co-sponsoring H. Res. 118, a bipartisan resolution that states in no uncertain terms that the United States Congress is on the side of the Iranian people in your ongoing struggle to bring lasting Democratic Change to your country.”

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA): “I want to highlight the important role you all play in advocating for basic human rights and self-determination on behalf of the Iranian people. Iran’s change can only come if those who speak out against the regime violations have their voices heard, and you are doing your part by calling on members of Congress to impose true costs on the regime for its reprehensible actions.”

Rep. Young Kim (R-CA): “I led the bipartisan charge urging the Biden administration to deny entry visas to president Raisi and his delegation through the 77 U.N. General Assembly last month. I am also proud to co-sponsor H. Res. 118, a bipartisan resolution that expresses U.S. support for the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic and non-nuclear Iranian Republic. As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I will continue to advocate for policies that pressure the Iranian government and its elites, and I won’t stop working with you until we achieve a brighter future for the Iranian people.”

Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-TX): “Iranian women have been deprived of their fundamental freedoms for decades now. They are rejecting oppression, and the people of Iran stand with them in the United States, and in Iran. This is why I supported and voted for House Resolution 118, which condemns Iranian state-sponsored terrorist attacks against U.S. citizens and officials and brave Iranians who stand up for democracy.”

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC): “I condemn the use of violence from oppressive and controlling regimes. And we must always support those who stand up for freedom and democracy.”

Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT): “I’m so proud of these mass protests across Iran where thousands are chanting, and I quote, “we will fight, we will die, we will reclaim Iran” and are simply calling for women’s rights and freedom. I applaud the leadership strength and bravery of these fierce women in the Iranian Resistance. I stand in solidarity with them and urge all who support women’s rights which are human rights, to amplify their voices and stay united in their noble cause. I am proud to be your ally in this fight.”

Participants of Friday’s event expressed their support of the Iranian people in their quest for freedom and democracy. They also urged the U.S. administration to stand by the Iranian people’s side and help them achieve their goal.

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