Iran Protests – 22,25,26,27,28 of January

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January 28: Iran Tire workers in Tehran entered their seventh day of protest on January 28 in anger at the sacking of over 200 workers and lack of job security.

The workers’ representative claimed that the factory managers sacked 80 workers in stages on the pretext of a lack financial resources and raw materials. Factory officials warned the workers that the factory would close down if the protest continued.

January 28: Petrochemical workers also continued with the fourth day of their strike in protest at their representative being barred from entering the factory. One worker was also prevented from returning to work after he gave an interview to the state-run media complaining about the unsuitable working conditions, according to reports.

January 27: Around 150 workers of the Iran Pouya refrigerator production company staged a protest at the undetermined three per cent share of the company allocated to 2,000 workers.

January 27: Workers at the Madiran Company also protested for a second time outside parliament at illegal redundancies.

January 26: 500 Poly Acryl workers gathered outside the factory mosque to demand the release of imprisoned co-workers.

January 26: A group of retired education ministry employees gathered outside the Tehran parliament to protest at low retirement salaries and savings funds.

One said: “The retirement salaries of Ministry of Education employees must increase in line with inflation.”

January 25: Youths in the city of Khorramabad tore down a poster from a four-year old bridge which the municipality had put up naming the structure after Lebanese Hezbollah leader ‘Hassan Nassrollah’.

January 22: Residents in the Falake Jahad region in the city of Qom protested over power outages. One protester said: “Every day in the Falake Jahad region we face power cuts. We have protested repeatedly over this situation, but government officials have done nothing about it.”

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