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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsIran: Protests Continue in Isfahan; Farmers Chanted Slogans Calling Rouhani a Liar

Iran: Protests Continue in Isfahan; Farmers Chanted Slogans Calling Rouhani a Liar


NCRI Staff

NCRI – On Tuesday, April 10, farmers and people of Isfahan staged a major pre-announced protest rally. The new round of Isfahan farmers’ protests began in the last weeks of the Persian year. Against being deprived of their water rights by the regime.

According to the released films, protesters were chanting slogans against Hassan Rouhani’s government. They chanted: “God willing the victory is close, death to this demagogue regime.”

ISFAHAN, Iran, Apr. 10, 2018. Farmers stage major protest gathering in Khourasgan Square

They also chanted against the security and counterinsurgency forces that lined up to them and shouted: no firearms, machine guns, and tanks will be used.

Farmers also carried banners written on them: “We want our water rights, and will pay the price for it with our lives.”

ISFAHAN: Farmers' Protest Rally Continues

According to the state-run IRNA news agency, the Eastern regions of Isfahan comprise cities and areas such as Ziar, Jarqawi, Varzaneh, Ajeyeh, Harand, Khorasan, and Kurdistan, which have a population of 300,000 people who are mainly farmers, but they are severely exposed to droughts which have caused them numerous Job and livelihood problems.

According to the report, the fair share of the farmers in the East of Isfahan from Zayandehrud River water is about 400 million cubic meters, but this amount has not been allocated in recent years, and despite the flow of Zayandehrud River in a period during last year, only about 40 percent of the 100,000 hectares of Agriculture lands of this region had gone under cultivation.

Meanwhile, according to the ISNA news agency, Hassan Kamran, a lawmaker from Isfahan, criticized the Ministry of Energy on Tuesday for the water scarcity issue in the area and said: “For decades, Isfahan farmers have been looted of their water rights”.

Earlier, reports and videos revealing the crackdown on protesters by repressive security forces of the Iranian regime have been published in March and also on Saturday this week.