Iran: Protestors arrested in Tehran

Iranian exiles, supporters of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran protest in Stockholm in support of uprising in Iran (photo by AFP)


The Iranian regime’s State Security Forces attacked protestors Saturday afternoon in streets leading to Laleh Park in Tehran. At least three persons were arrested, according to an eyewitness.

“Since 5 pm (local time), people have been going to Laleh Park in order to continue their anti-government protests. The SSF have been stationed in all streets and alleys leading to Laleh Park including Enqelab Square. A large number of SSF are on the foot, on motorcycles and in patrol vehicles, in the square,” the report said.

The Iranian regime’s State Security Forces attacked protestors Saturday afternoon in streets leading to Laleh Park in Tehran. At least three persons were arrested, according to an eyewitness.

“Since 5 pm (local time), people have been going to Laleh Park in order to continue their anti-government protests. The SSF have been stationed in all streets and alleys leading to Laleh Park including Enqelab Square. A large number of SSF are on the foot, on motorcycles and in patrol vehicles, in the square,” the report said.

“The regime’s repressive forces attacked people who were chanting ‘death to dictator’ to force them to leave the area. Up to now at least three persons have been arrested.”

“In Enqelab Square there are a large number of plainclothes agents stationed.”


Photo: June 25, 2009 – Iranian exiles, supporters of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK(  protest in Stockholm in support of nationwide uprising in Iran (photo by AFP)

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