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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsIran: Protesting Students Demand Release of Jailed Students, Workers

Iran: Protesting Students Demand Release of Jailed Students, Workers


Student Day Protests – No. 3
Universities across the country marked Students Day on December 6th

In Tehran students of Amir Kabir Tech University staged their protest rally despite Bassij paramilitary forces attempting to prevent them. The rally witnessed slogans including, “Release all political prisoners and imprisoned workers,” “Students do not belong in prison,” “No to administrative corruption,” “Release Nargis Mohammadi,” “Students rather die than succumb to abjection.” In the Sharif Tech University students held a rally and chanted, “Release all political prisoners.”

Students of Science & Industrial University also held a rally, chanting, “Evin Prison accepts students,” “My dear Kianush, we continue your path,” “I hate chains.” They also raised posters written, “Jailed students must be release,” “Duration law must be cancelled.” Students of Teachers Training University raised placards written, “We demand expulsion of elements behind 2009 university crackdown.”

Students of National University forced state TV camera crews out of their session hall and chanted, “State radio & TV are a disgrace,” “State agents out.”

In the city of Yazd, central Iran, students of the law school disrupted a pro-regime session by chanting, “The establishment must be uprooted.”

Students of universities in Mazandaran and Ahvaz staged rallies and raised placards written, “Students don’t belong in prisons,” and “Students are aware and ready.”

Students of Asfarain Tech University turned the stage held for a regime governor to deliver a speech into a scene of protest. “Students rather die than succumb to abjection.”

Students of Andimeshk University protested a speech delivered by the governor and chanted, “The message of justice: struggle till freedom,” “Release all jailed college students.”

These student protests were held across the country at a time when the mullahs’ regime held a ridiculous program dubbed “War of Joy,” attempting to quell student protests. These arrangements were held with hated mullahs and regime officials taking part, all boycotted and hated by the college students.

In Urmia, northwest Iran, only a few of the thousands of college students actually attended the session. Students of Tabriz University raised a placard in their rally written, “December 6 is the day of demanding justice and freedom, not war of joy?!”

In Semnan University, east of Tehran, regime officials attempted to hold a cultural event, only to be boycotted and ridiculed by the students. These students raised pictures of the students killed on December 7, 1953 by the Shah’s regime. These pictures were captioned as, “Today is not a day of dancing, but a day of commemorating killed college students.”

National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 6, 2016