Iran: Protest Gathering of ‘Alloy Steel Group’ Retirees In Front of Retirees Fund Building


NCRI Staff

NCRI – Sunday Mar. 11, 2018. Protesting their underprivileged living conditions, the retirees of Ahvaz Alloy Steel Group, staged a gathering in front of the Khuzestan province retirees fund building.

One of the protesters carried a placard written: 30 years of our lives is wasted, what is happened to our Rights?

The retirees chanted: you emptied our account and devastated us.

The retirees of Ahvaz Alloy Steel Group are protesting the non-payment of their wages and fees for several years but no official has ever responded or helped to solve their problems.

On Saturday Mar. 10, also the retirees staged a protest gathering and marched in Kian Pars Street of Ahvaz.

Annexation of the Khuzestan province retirees fund office to private sector under the provisions of the Ministry of Industries and Mines has escalated the problems, as the protesting retirees stated.

Khuzestan Steel Company retired worker demanded the timely payment of retirement pensions and the payment of their multi-year delayed wages, but so far no one has been able to handle and respond to their problems.

Khuzestan Steel Company was established in 1973 and built on 3.8 square kilometers in the vicinity of Ahwaz city, which is the capital of Khuzestan province in the south west of Iran.

According to the company’s retirees, the Pension Fund of Khuzestan has been subjected to the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade since 2013 and has been privatized, which has aggravated retirement problems.

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