Iran: Political Prisoner’s Supporters Clash with the Security Forces



NCRI – On Monday October 24, supporters of the political prisoner, Mohammad Ali Taheri, who staged demonstration in front of Baqiatollah hospital in Tehran where this political prisoner is hospitalized, once again clashed with the repressive security forces.

The Security Forces used force to disperse the demonstrators and arrested several of them while beating them.

Some of the demonstrators were transferred to medical centers because of their critical condition as a result of beating by the Security Forces.
According to eye witnesses, the supporters of Mohammad Ali Taheri who gathered there were more than 3000 people.

These people gathered peacefully in front of the hospital on Monday while keeping silence and holding flowers, and after the visiting hours they planned to leave the place peacefully when the Security Forces’ special unit suddenly attacked and started beating them. They particularly started beating women and had no mercy on anyone, young or old, men or women.

In a letter to the international community and human rights organizations, students of Mohammad Ali Taheri, considered the mullahs’ regime responsible for the consequences of this political prisoner’s life threatening situation after falling into coma due to hunger strike and demanded his release.

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