Iran: Police deputy commander says protestors will be confronted with force

NCRI – According to the state-run news agency, IRNA, on Monday, the deputy commander of the Iranian regime’s State Security Forces (SSF) says that the ultimatum has ended with regards to people who organize illegal gatherings. He said these people were given enough time, and as a result, the SSF will now not show mercy and use force.

IRNA added: Brig. Gen. Ahmad-Reza Radan said on Monday at a national session on the fight against smuggling of commodities and currency at the SSF: Over the past eight months, we have been able to separate the various layers, although rioters still try to infiltrate the population.

He added: From now on, the SSF will use force and will be firm in its reaction.

Meanwhile, the Chief Prosecutor of the Iranian regime has said that the regime’s judiciary will not show any tolerance when it comes to the detainees of December 27th (Ashura) protests in Iran, and that they will be dealt with according to Sharia and the regime’s laws, the state-run Mehr news agency reported on Monday.

According to Mehr, Mohseni Ejei stressed: Security and intelligence forces are conducting investigations about those detained and the legal cases of detainees will be completed and sent to court soon. The court will also issue their sentences in the context of the law and use resolve and speed.

He added: Sharia prescribes death for those who revolt against a just system, a just Imam, and a just supreme leader. Those who have used lethal and non-lethal weapons to create terror among the population are considered to be Mohareb [enemies of God] and must be sentenced to death. Those detainees who have done either of these will be sentenced with no mercy in accordance with Sharia and the law, because the ultimatums were issued a long time ago.

The Iranian Resistance has warned about the wave of killing of those detained during the uprising and sympathizers of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) under the rubric of “Moharebeh” (waging war against God).

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