Iran: People of Zanjan continue protest despite threats and arrests

NCRI – Angry residents of Zanjan on Thursday staged another large demonstration in the city protesting against pollution that is widely believed to be the cause high number cancer in the city.

Thursday protest was the second protest in a week and it was held despite threats made against organizers by the regime’s agents. The Iranian regime’s state security forces attacked the protesters and arrested a number of them.

First such protest was held on Sunday when angry people of Zanjan had gathered outside the Governor’s office to protest against tens of factories using zinc and lead in the city, particularly a factory which employs more than 500 workers.

Although the regime’s provincial officials had declared that the factory would be transferred to other location the protest continued to be held on Thursday as planned.

The state-run Fars News Agency earlier had reported that: “Existence of more then 70 lead and sink factories and production units near the city of Zanjan has caused unprecedented increase in cancer and other serious diseases in the city creating alert among people and city merchants.”

The mullahs and their agents in Zanjan who earn astronomical income from the lead and zinc mining revenues but they do not provide the basic workplace health standards and health care for the workers and the city’s residents.

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