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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsIran: Pensioners Protest in Different Cities

Iran: Pensioners Protest in Different Cities

NCRI – On Monday, April 17, hundreds of retired teachers rallied in front of the Planning and Budget Organization in baharestan Square, Tehran and demanded that their wage issue be addressed. The regime authorities despite the false promises of last year to improve the status of teachers have virtually taken no action.

Protesters who demand their unpaid claims, be paid, chanted: “Poverty line 4 million, our salary one million” “Every promise that was made to us was in the air,” “livelihood, dignity, is our inalienable right” “one embezzlement less, our issues are resolved”

On the same day 300 retired employees of the Shiraz telecommunications company (I.T.I) were gathered to protest the non-payment of their salaries and benefits in front of the governor of Fars province. Despite the fact that the rally is the third gathering of workers in the last 10 days, but still their requests have not been answered. This has put the 1,200 retired employees and their families in serious trouble.

Retirees of Colored yarn factory in Semnan, on Monday held a protest rally in fornt of the office of the provincial governorate.

It is note worthy that last month, On the morning of Sunday March 12, thousands of retirees in Tehran and other cities such as Mashhad, Sari, Tabriz, Orumiyeh, Rasht, Yazd, Khorram Abad, Qom and Ferdows protested against their living conditions. The protests were held in Tehran in front of the office of Rouhani, the regime’s President, in Pasteur Street, regime, and in other cities in front of the buildings of the Organization for retirees. The demonstrators called for the equalization of their pension with other workers, pension reforms and improving their livelihoods.

The protests took place while the suppressive forces continually threatened the demonstrators and prevented them from filming and taking pictures. Also a number of families of educators who had participated in February 28 protest in front of the regime’s parliament had been threatened by the Intelligence agents.

The demonstrators chanted: “Students, workers, teachers, nurses, unity, unity”, “every promise you made was hollow, every point you said was deceitful,” “we are waiting for result, we go nowher and stay here”, “one embezzlement less, our problem will be solved”, “if our problem is not solved, the movement will continue”, “now is the the New year’s eve but we are mourning”. They were carrying banners reading: “we are in pain both from poverty and discrimination”, “we hate oppression”, “poverty and discrimination is enough”, “efficient insurance is our inalienable right”, “accelerate the payment of bonuses for retirees of 2016”, “if you are neutral to injustice, know that you have taken sides with oppressors”, “give us our rights, don’t pass us to each other “.

In their resolution, the demonstrators called for equalization of the salaries of retirees and quick payment of the bonuses owed to retirees of 2016, and declared: “There are many of our fellow retirees who spent all of their retirement years in hardship and died awaiting a bright future. We are looking for our legal rights and will not rest until we get it.” They then sang the patriotic national anthem of “Iran”.