Iran: Over 4oo injured in farmers protests in Isfahan

NCRI – New reports from farmers protest on Wednesday in Isfahan, state that the number of injured protestors has reached over 400 persons.

The names of some farmers who have been shot and blinded by pellet guns are: Mohammad Ibrahimi Nasab, 22, Majid Tahmasebi, 34, Seyed Javad Fatemi, 32, Hamed Bagheri, 20 and Mohammad Shahbazi. Seven protesters have been blinded.

All of them except Mohammad Shahbazi who is hospitalized in Faiz Hospital, are hospitalized in Al-Zahra Hospital.


Other reports also indicate that protesters set fire to 7 other vehicles belonging to the State Security Forces and anti-riot units.

Varzaneh farmers, compared Ali Khamenei to Yazid, the most hated figure to Shiites, chanted: “Yazid-like leadership, you have stolen our water “

Protestors took over Khorasgan Municipality building; windows of several banks were broken, and SSF booths near Jay Ave. and Khorasgan Sq. were uprooted.

In fear of spread of farmers’ protests the mullahs’ regime has established an unannounced martial law in Isfahan.

Anti-riot units, Bassij forces and plain-clothed agents have been stationed at main streets, Enghelab sq., Chahar Bagh Bala, Darvazeh Dowlat up to Sio-Seh Pol.


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