Iran: Novemver 4 nationwide uprising

Tehran - November 4, 2009Source: Iran Liberation, Issue No. 288
Iranians across the country turned November 4 official demonstrations by the clerical regime into a nationwide uprising against the regime. Mass protests took place despite harsh security measures and strong presence of security forces on streets since early hours on Wednesday. Commander of security forces on November 1 warned against any unlawful gathering on November 4. Revolutionary Guard Ahmadreza Radan, deputy commander of the State Security Forces said: “Any illegal gathering on November 4 will be dealt with harshly.”

In the run up to the November 4, universities were the scene of persistent protests by students preparing for the counter demonstration and encouraging people to join the mass uprising.

Iran: Novemver 4 Nationwide Uprising

Source: Iran Liberation, Issue No. 288
Iranians across the country turned November 4 official demonstrations by the clerical regime into a nationwide uprising against the regime. Mass protests took place despite harsh security measures and strong presence of security forces on streets since early hours on Wednesday. Commander of security forces on November 1 warned against any unlawful gathering on November 4. Revolutionary Guard Ahmadreza Radan, deputy commander of the State Security Forces said: “Any illegal gathering on November 4 will be dealt with harshly.”

In the run up to the November 4, universities were the scene of persistent protests by students preparing for the counter demonstration and encouraging people to join the mass uprising.

The day started with scattered gatherings and demonstrations and suppressive forces tried not to let them get out of control by brutally attacking them. Before any major demonstration to take shape many protesters were beaten and arrested.
The role of women in the uprising was significant. More women and girls were seen on the streets and they formed human chains in many incidents to protect male protesters and prevent their arrests by suppressive forces.

As day went on more and more people poured into the streets. Security forces had to fire teargas to break up gatherings. In Tehran they opened fire on demonstrators and at least two seen wounded. In some cases rubber bullets were used with red paint to create fear.

Some of popular slogans used by angry crowd were; “Death to Khamenei,” “Khamenei is a killer, his rule is void,” “Death to dictator, death to Ahmadinejad” and “Peace for the world, democracy for Iran,” “Do not fear, do not fear, we are all together” and “Dictator, dictator, this is our last message, student movement is in state of revolt.”

There was strong sense of solidarity among people. Houses opened their doors to give refuge to those chased by suppressive forces. Some with first aid experience helped the wounded on spot. The wounded were helped to get out of the police reach and taken to safe places.

Protests continued in many parts of the capital and other cities throughout the country till late hours.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance lauded people’s uprising and described it as a powerful outburst of discontent by people who rejected the regime in its entirety.

She said that the clerical rule has been shaken by upsurge of anger and discontent of masses of people who cried out “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate,” only a few hundreds of meters away from Khamenei’s residence.

She noted that the uprising, once again thwarted the regime’s suppressive mobilization and massive psychological and propaganda warfare. She concluded that this was a proof to Khamenei’s ongoing failure to deal with public discontent and uprising.

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