Iran: Notorious prison overflowing with prisoners

NCRI – According to obtained reports from inside Iran, the number of detainees during the recent uprising in Tehran has reached such levels that Evin prison’s wards 209, 240 and cell 2A have reached full capacity. These wards in the notorious Evin prison belong to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

A large number of prisoners are being held in prison halls. Due to a severe shortage of space, many of the interrogations, accompanied by torture and violent beating of prisoners, take place inside prison cells instead of special interrogation rooms. In some of the cells used for solitary confinement, up to 15 prisoners are being held.

Interrogations start from 8:00 and continue until 23:00 local time. Prisoners are placed under cruel torture during the interrogations, with some of them unable to walk back to their own cells after interrogation.

The medical and food situation at the prison is atrocious. Some of the prisoners either do not get food at all or receive at most one serving per day.

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