Iran: Neglect spreading in mullahs’ seminaries


Mullah Mohammad Yazdi, head of Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom, attended the inauguration ceremony for the “10th National Session for Bilad Society of Seminary Teachers” and in his remarks shed light on the issue of neglect and opposition in the mullahs’ seminaries.
“Our hopes are in the younger generation of the seminaries … however, many dignitaries no longer have any concern about current affairs, and they see no reason to refer to daily matters… Sometimes clear dissent is also seen.”

This is the latest complaint amongst the mullahs’ senior officials against those studying in these seminaries and even other mullahs. Such remarks are heard more often recently from various mullahs. This shows the regime is suffering not only from serious divisions amongst its senior ranks of various factions, but also at the roots, being the seminaries. These remarks are made by senior officials, described in Yazdi’s remarks as seminary “dignitaries.” Not only are these officials neglecting, in fact they are very openly expressing their opposition, and “measures of clear dissent are also witnessed.” This has reached the point that they can no longer remain silent and are forced to publicly warn about this phenomenon in nationwide gatherings and sessions.

After nearly 40 years in power, the mullahs’ regime has failed to spread religion, justice or piety, which Iranian regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini and his faction claimed of when stablishing the Velayat-e faqih regime. There has been nothing but organized corruption led by the regime’s most senior officials, including supreme leader Ali Khamenei, to the mullahs’ Chief Justice, their entire executive and security apparata, and passed down to their next generations… Corruption has spread to such an extent and become rooted throughout the mullahs’ establishment that the mullahs’ themselves are admitting this phenomenon has transformed into a major security threat. In such conditions, lack of trust and neglect is the least expected from those clerics not involved in the plundering. Such conditions are so crystal clear that the regime’s senior officials have been forced to issue unprecedented public warnings. This neglect, Yazdi referring to as “clear dissent,” is not far from actually standing against the regime. For those concerned about the deprived Iranian people and the true religion of Islam, this sentiment will evolve to be the only answer day by day.

For the true clerics and young students in seminaries, who are actually seeking to promote their religion and rescue their people from tyranny, the only choice and only remaining path is to join the uprisings staged by other parts of the society. These cries for justice are now heard from universities, factories, mines and other social environments across the country chanting, “Down with the principle of Velayat-e faqih.”

Jalal Ganje’i
Chairman of the Committee on Freedom of Religions and Denominations of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
December 10, 2016

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