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Iran: Nationwide Protests By Oil Workers And Employees In Oil Centers In 9 Cities


Workers chanted: “Be afraid, we are united,”

“We will not relent until we get our rights.”

On Wednesday morning, May 27, 2021, official employees of Iran’s oil company held rallies in different oil centers in Tehran, Assaluyeh, Abadan, Ahvaz, Gachsaran, Mahshahr, Bandar Deylam, Khark, and Lavan Island, protesting their low salaries and harsh livelihood condition due to skyrocketing prices.
The protests of the official employees of the oil company were held following a call to protests by Iran’s oil workers.

Workers held signs and placards which read: “Oil and gas are not produced easily, they are produced at the cost of our lives,” “This level of injustice is not the right of operational staff,” “Employment on offshore platforms and operational areas equals the sale of life,” “Equal pay increases in unequal conditions.”
Workers also chanted, “Be afraid, we are united,” “[Bijan] Zangeneh shame on you, leave the ministry,” “the oil minister is a disgrace,” and “We will not relent until we get our rights.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), hailed the oil workers and employees in Tehran, Assaluyeh, Abadan, Ahvaz, Gachsaran, Mahshahr, Bandar Deylam, Khark, and Lavan Island who are protesting while chanting “We will not relent until we get our rights.” She called on all Iranians to support the oil workers.



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