Iran: Karoubi emphasizes the illegitimacy of “Ahmadinejad government”

NCRI – Mehdi Karoubi, one of the regimes’s defeated presidential contenders, once again emphasized the illegitimacy of “Ahmadinejad’s government” and said: “We do not accept a government that is not elected by people’s vote.”

In aletter to mullah Sadegh Larijani, the regime’s judiciary chief, he described “Ahmadinejad’s government” as “inefficient.”

Protesting against the ongoing suppression he said that: “The presence of armed security forces in the gatherings creates fear and terror.” “The fate of many who have been arrested is unknown”. “Thousands are faced with torture and severe harm and injury and unrecoverable damages that in many cases may result in death or severe defects. In this way the atmosphere of fear is created not only for those arrested but also for their families and for the whole society,” he added.

 “Nothing has yet been done about the Kahrizak detention center and other possible illegal detention centers, and people have not heard that any of violator’s of the people’s rights being punished,” he said.

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