Iran: Detained protestors placed under brutal physical and psychological torture

NCRI – According to information obtained from inside the Iranian regime’s prisons, people arrested during the recent nationwide uprising have been placed under brutal torture, which in some instances lead to the victim’s death. The bodies of those who end up losing their lives under torture are then transferred to the medical examiners.

Witnesses recently freed from the mullahs’ detention center recount stories where the detained are kicked and beaten, mostly in the head, as soon as they enter detention centers. In there, they are blindfolded and forced to pass through halls on both sides of which club-wielding agents strike them violently and continuously as they pass. Prisoners are struck all over their bodies during the chaotic scene, with some suffering injuries such as fractured skulls, broken noses, broken hands, broken legs, and bruised faces.

Prisoners are then transferred to their cells, where they are crammed in together in large numbers, taking turns to sleep for 4-hour periods. In order to break their spirits and humiliate them, they are prevented from using the prison’s washroom facilities, leaving their cells as their only option.

According to reports, interrogations continue for hours, sometimes dragging on for eight straight hours in a single day. They are characterized by cruel psychological and physical torture. Some of the prisoners who are taken to interrogation never make it back, indicating that they have either died or suffered life-threatening injuries.

Interrogators force prisoners to sign written confessions admitting to the burning of mosques, houses, killing of paramilitary Bassij, and receiving instructions from foreigners to take part in protests and to engage in vandalism.

Some of the interrogators in the notorious Evin prisons are identified as Hassan Zare Dahnavi, Haydarifard, Hosseini, Rasekh, and Moussavi. They threaten prisoners that since no one knows about their whereabouts, if they reject signing the confession letters they would be killed and later said to have died during street protests.

Reports indicate that the number of those detained in Evin prison reaches several thousand.

The situation is even worst in prisons outside Tehran and in other cities of Iran, with the lives of many of the detainees in serious danger.

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