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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsIran Coronavirus Outbreak: Military Forces Deserted From Their Bases

Iran Coronavirus Outbreak: Military Forces Deserted From Their Bases

Iran, Corona outbreak in Birjand garrison: Soldiers flee and half of garrison evacuated
Iran, Corona outbreak in Birjand garrison: Soldiers flee and half of garrison evacuated

News from Iran indicates that soldiers and armed forces are deserting their bases amid the coronavirus outbreak. This indicates the regime’s instability, and that the situation is out of its control.  

On Wednesday night, reports from Iran, published by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), indicated that soldiers in the army’s bases in Urmiain north west Irandeserted their base. Soldiers in Birjand in South Khorasan Province, eastern Iran, also escaped their base.  

Reports from Iran indicate that in the past few days, in the Parandak garrison in Tehran, following the widespread coronavirus outbreakaround 400 soldiers have been diagnosed with this disease, and some of them have lost their lives. In addition, most of the personnel have left the Nouzeh Air Base in Hamadan, western Iran.  

These developments are simultaneous with dozens of inmates breaking out of prisons across Iran, amid the coronavirus outbreak, which according to the MEK has so far claimed the lives of nearly 16,000 people.  

MEK reports from Iran indicate that inmates of Sheyban Prison in the city of Ahvaz, located in Khuzestan Province, southwest Iran, launched a riot on Tuesday, March 31. Similarly, inmates of wards 12 and 15 in Tabriz Central Prison, located in northwest Iran, launched a protest rally on Monday night local time, March 30. In addition, inmates in Adel Abad Prison of Shiraz, a major city in south-central Iran, launched a riot on Sunday night local time, March 29. 

Domestic oppression and export of terrorism abroad are the regime’s two pillars of existence. The regime’s notorious prisons with various forms of tortures, and its oppressive military forces were very important tools of oppression. The military forces, particularly the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) have played a key role in implementing the regime’s warmongering plans across the globe. The reports from Iran indicate that many of the IRGC task forces are demanding request to leave their bases.   

The regime’s rejecting to release prisoners or quarantine military forces or close their bases makes two points clear: First, the regime doesn’t care about people and even its own forces lives and resorts to any action only to prolong its life. Secondly, it is clearly in a deadlock and has no choice or solution.  

The regime’s inaction, cover-up and now its attitude toward the spread of virus across Iran, particularly in Iranian prisons and military bases rebukes a dirty campaign led by the regime’s apologists that the sanctions should be blamed for the spread of the virus.  

If the regime really cares about people’s lives, why has it been continuing its cover-up and downplaying this crisis? Why has it rejected all the international help and expelled the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) while it keeps bragging about having enough medical equipment? 

The answer is clear: After different events such as its deadly crackdown of the Iran protests in November with over 1500 martyrsshooting down of an Ukrainian passenger jet and its subsequent protests, the general and unprecedented boycott of its sham parliamentary elections, the regime is fully aware that any social conflict or public anger could turn to an uprising and this uprising will lead to the regime’s downfall.  

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has said: “What has made our country seriously vulnerable in the face of diseases and natural disasters, is a brutal and pilfering dictatorship that does not hesitate to commit any imaginable crime to preserve its disgraceful rule.” 

Mrs. Rajavi further added that: “When we review the regime’s approach since the outbreak of the virus in Qom, it becomes clear that the current crisis is actually not a medical issue in #Iran, but a profound political problem.” 

There are no obstacles or prohibitions for the purchase and import of medicines and medical equipment for the clerical regime, but rather than lives of the people of Iran, they are only concerned about their own pockets suffering from sanctions,” Mrs. Rajavi added.  

While calling the mullahs’ downfall as the only solution to all the crisis Mrs. Rajavi said: There is a single solution for coronavirus, for poverty, for oppression and tyranny. That solution is overthrowing the mullahs’ religious dictatorship in its entirety.”