Iran: Clerical Regime Arrests Workers and Teachers and Uses Repressive Measures To Prevent May Day Protests


On Saturday, April 30, 2022, terrified of a nationwide gathering of teachers and workers on May 1, coinciding with May Day, the clerical regime’s security forces arrested several teachers and workers’ activists and raided the homes of others, threatening them and confiscating their belongings.

Under the mullahs’ rule, teachers have been forced to live in poverty and destitution. The majority of them live below the poverty line because of the regime’s system of plunder and corruption.

Last year, teachers took to the streets to protest their harsh living conditions, but their just demands were left unanswered, hundreds of them were summoned and threatened, and several were arrested and imprisoned.

On April 21, 2022, teachers and educators across the country staged protests demanding the release of imprisoned teachers, an increase in their salaries, and a response to their legitimate demands. At least 70 teachers were arrested in Tehran, and other teachers were pressured not to continue their protests.

The Iranian Resistance urges the United Nations and its relevant bodies and teacher and worker unions around the world to condemn the clerical regime’s repressive actions against teachers and workers and support their protests.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran  (NCRI)

April 30, 2022

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