Iran: Chanting “Death to Khamenei and Curse on Khomeini” Slogans in Hall 12 of Gohardasht Prison


NCRI – According to reports, political prisoners in Hall 12 of Gohardasht prison in Karaj protested against forcible transfer of the political prisoner Mehdi Farahi Shandiz to the court and chanted death to Khamenei and curse on Khomeini slogans. The political prisoner, Mehdi Farahi Shandiz, announced that he considers the court illegitimate and does not recognize it and refuses to go to the court.

Following this announcement, Special Guards stormed the hall and forcibly took away this political prisoner. At this time, the political prisoners unanimously chanted the slogans “death to Khamenei, curse on Khomeini” in support of Mehdi Farahi.
The criminal prison agents, who were terrified, started to insult the prisoners by using obscene and vulgar words and vilification and fearfully fled the hall.

Reports indicate that Khamenei’s henchmen on Monday December 5 transferred Mehdi Farahi Shandiz to solitary confinement for chanting “death to Khamenei, curse on Khomeini, and down with the principle of Velayat-e Faqih” slogans.

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