Iran: Broadcast of Slogans “Death to Khamenei, Viva Rajavi,” “Raisi Is the Henchman of the 1988 Massacre”, and “No to Crown or Turban, Mullah’s Days Are Over”


Anti-regime chants and excerpts of a speech by Mr. Massoud Rajavi, Leader of the Iranian Resistance were broadcast over public announcement systems by Resistance Units in Tajrish Bazaar (main shopping district in Tajrish district in north Tehran) on Saturday evening, February 19, 2022. Chants of “Death to Khamenei, Viva Rajavi,” “Raisi is the henchman of the 1988 massacre”, “No to crown or turban, mullah’s days are over, ” and a speech by Mr. Rajavi that said, “We stood by our words and paid the price for it, by saying, down with extremism, similar to calling for the regime’s overthrow,” were heard throughout the bazaar.

The action took place during the busiest hours of the shopping center and drew the attention of all passers-by, shopkeepers, and vendors.

Last week, on the 43rd anniversary of the 1979 anti-monarchical revolution, chants of “Death to Khamenei, viva Rajavi,” “Death to Khamenei, viva Rajavi,” “Iranians are vigilant and hate the Shah and mullahs,” “Death to Khamenei and Raisi!” and “Raisi, henchman of the 1988 massacre,” was loudly echoed by the youth and Resistance Units in Mashhad’s “Reza” Bazaar, Shahr-e Rey, Sarasiab (Karaj), Fardis (Karaj), and many other parts of the country.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

February 20, 2022

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