Human rights in Iran the focus of Paris’ Trocadero Square



NCRI – Iranians living in France, supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), on Thursday held a human rights stand in Paris’ Trocadero Square to condemn the appalling human rights violations and soaring rate of executions by the regime in Iran under the presidency of Hassan Rouhani. They also had displays exposing the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran.

Following the July 14 Iran nuclear deal, the clerical regime embarked on a new wave of executions, including several cases of group hangings.

The human rights stand had photographs of recent examples of human rights abuses in Iran.

Saturday marks the 27th anniversary of the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran. In the summer of 1988, one month after Ruhollah Khomeini was forced to accept a cease-fire in his eight-year war with Iraq, the fundamentalist ruler of the mullahs’ regime ordered a mass execution of all political prisoners affiliated with the main opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, PMOI (Mujahedin-e Khalq, MEK).

The facts: Appalling state of human rights in Iran:

• 120,000 political prisoners killed under the current regime
• 30,000 political prisoners massacred within few months in 1988
• Hundreds of thousands have been imprisoned and tortured on political grounds
• More than 700 people executed since the start of 2015
• 74 types of torture used against prisoners

NCRI position on human rights:

• Rejects so-called “Islamic Retribution Law” adopted by the Iranian regime as inhuman
• Promotes and adheres to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• Is committed to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and other relevant human rights covenants
• Is committed to freedom of association, freedom of thought and expression, freedom of press, political parties, trade unions, councils, religions and denominations as well as freedom to choose one’s profession
• Is committed to abolish the death penalty
• Is committed to prevent any violation of individual and social rights and freedoms

Iranians hold stand in Paris’ Trocadero Square to expose the appalling human rights violations in Iran, July 30, 2015

Iranians hold stand in Paris’ Trocadero Square to expose the appalling human rights violations in Iran, July 30, 2015

Iranians hold stand in Paris’ Trocadero Square to expose the appalling human rights violations in Iran, July 30, 2015

Iranians hold stand in Paris’ Trocadero Square to expose the appalling human rights violations in Iran, July 30, 2015

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