Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsGas cuts spark protest in northern Iranian cities

Gas cuts spark protest in northern Iranian cities

NCRI – On Monday, residents of Mazandaran, Semnan and Golestan provinces gathered outside government buildings to protest the gas cuts amid the freezing winter temperatures that have crippled their lives.

The State Security Force (SSF) has been dispatched to suppress the protest by angry residents in the north of the country.

The residents gathered outside the state-run gas company to express their anger at the regime for not paying attention to the gas shortage in Shahroud.

The head of government-run Shahroud’s gas company said that the gas supplies have been reduced to fifty percent and it may soon be extended to the rest of the city’s population of more than 130,000, the state-run Fars news agency reported on Monday.

The angry citizens held a demonstration outside the governor’s office protesting the more than thirty present of their gas-cut in the northern city of Ghaemshar.

The complete halt of gas export by neighboring Turkmenistan since Sunday afternoon have shutdown schools, hospitals, industrial and food services in various cities in Northern provinces.

Despite boasting the world’s second largest gas reserves after Russia, Iran frequently suffers from winter gas shortages which is the result of  the mullahs’ regime corruption.