Friends of a Free Iran intergroup in the European Parliament supports the nationwide uprising

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NCRI – The following is a press release by a European Parliament intergroup on the Iranian people’s uprising:

Press release

“Friends of a Free Iran” intergroup in the European Parliament supports the nationwide uprising where people are chanting “Down with Khamenei, down with the dictator”.

Millions of Iranians have poured onto streets across Iran, calling for the downfall of the theocratic regime of the mullahs. Several civilians have been reported to be killed with hundreds injured.

The demonstrators are chanting: “Down with Khamenei” , “Down with the dictator”, “Khamenei is a murderer – his rule is illegitimate”, “Down with the principle of Velayat-e Faqih”, “Khamenei down with you, eternal shame on you”, "This is the month of blood – Khamenei will be overthrown".

The regime failed to contain the uprising despite deploying forces from the revolutionary guards, Bassij battalions, Special Units of the State Security Force and plainclothes agents.

Friends of a Free Iran intergroup in the European Parliament, which consists of a large number of MEPs from various political tendencies, calls on the European Union and the USA to halt political and economic ties with the murderers of the Iranian people. We also condemn a possible trip to Iran in January by some MEPs from the Iran Delegation. The West must end the failed policy of appeasing the religious fascists ruling Iran and should immediately remove the obstacles they have placed in the way of the popular resistance at the behest of the Iranian regime.

The uprising in Iran shows that the clerical regime is on its way out. Negotiations and trade with, and appeasement of the medieval regime are futile and will only embolden the mullahs in their suppression and killing of the Iranian people.

Friends of a Free Iran
European Parliament
28 December 2009

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