Former Slovenian Prime Minister Supports Organized Resistance and Iran’s Uprising


Former Slovenian Prime Minister Mr. Janez Janša sent a video message to the brave Iranian protesters and expressed some encouraging words about the importance of their resistance and how the integration of the Resistance Units within Iran’s society is ensuring the resilience of the uprising.

Mr. Janša said: “Dear brave Iranians. First of all, I want to congratulate you for rising up against the religious dictatorship. Unfortunately, more than four hundred demonstrators have been killed since the middle of September as a result of shootings by the regime’s suppressive forces. Hundreds have been injured and more than 20,000 have been arrested.

“Being myself a political prisoner twice, I know very well how high of a price is being paid today by the brave protesters. By this sacrifice will result in freedom for the Iranian people tomorrow. We see that this way of anti-regime protests broke out in all 31 provinces of Iran, across the whole country, and it is continuing despite the regime’s brutal repression and widespread arrests.

“It’s clear that the organized nature of the protests has led to their persistence and resilience, and that members of the MEK Resistance Units are integrated within the broader society. In the various video clips, we can see brave students, employees, workers, etc., openly rejecting all forms of dictatorship. It’s clear that the Iranian people widely recognize full gender equality in all aspects and that they are in favor of a democratic republic based on the separation of religion and state.

“We know that the brave Iranian people will overthrow the mullahs’ regime soon and that all democratic and civilized world is supporting you. Resist, organize, fight, win!”

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