Extensive anti-regime graffiti in Ahvaz by young activists

NCRI – Inspired by the triumphant uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, young political activists in the southern city of Ahvaz in Iran have started writing anti-regime graffiti in public areas across the city on an extensive scale, according to Iran Khabar on Sunday.

Among the slogans is “Today Bin Ali, tomorrow Sid Ali,” referring to the deposed Tunisian president, and the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei.


Anti-regime graffiti were seen especially in Zeytoun Karmandi Park and Kianpars.

In Padadshahr district, young activists brought down publicly displayed portraits of Khamenei and Khomeini and burnt them.

In the city of Boroujerd, youths have also embarked on writing graffiti against the regime’s Supreme Leader in public places.

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