European Parliament’s Resolution Supports Iranian People’s Nationwide Protests


On October 6, the European Parliament ratified a resolution to support the Iranian people’s nationwide protests. This resolution comes a day after a statement by 132 MEPs supporting the Iranian people’s aspirations to have a democratic country. 

Today’s resolution “Strongly supports the aspirations of the Iranian people who want to live in a free, stable, inclusive and democratic country that respects its national and international commitments on human rights and fundamental freedoms.”  

It also strongly condemns the “widespread, intentional and disproportionate use of force by Iranian security forces against peaceful protestors and calls on the Iranian authorities to stop their continued, systematic and unacceptable violence against their own citizens; demands that the Iranian authorities allow for an evidence-based, swift, impartial and effective investigation into the killings of all protesters, including bringing those responsible to justice.”  

Protests erupted in Iran following the tragic murder of Mahsa (Jina) Amini by the regime’s morality police. Since then, demonstrations have spread across the country, with people calling for regime change.  

The resolution “Calls on the UN, particularly its Human Rights Council, to launch without delay a comprehensive investigation into the events that have taken place in recent weeks, led by the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran; asks the UN Human Rights Council to establish an international investigative and accountability mechanism for human rights violations perpetrated by the Iranian Government.”  

It also “Asks the EU and its Member States to use all engagements with the Iranian authorities to demand an immediate end to the violent crackdown against protests and the unconditional release of all those arrested for exercising their right to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly, call for an independent investigation into the deaths of Mahsa Jina Amini and dozens of protesters, urge the restoration of access to the internet and communication channels and encourage the abolition of compulsory veiling for women; calls on the member states to store, preserve and share available evidence, in line with the new rules of Eurojust, that may contribute to investigations, including cooperating with and supporting the work of the International Criminal Court.”  

Today’s resolution also calls “on the Foreign Affairs Council to add Iranian officials, including all those associated with the ‘morality’ police, who are found complicit in or responsible for the death of Mahsa Jina Amini and violence against protesters, to the EU’s list of individuals against whom restrictive measures in relation to serious human rights violations in Iran have been imposed; reiterates that sanctions against the IRGC leadership must not be lifted; welcomes the Council’s adoption of the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime as an important instrument for the EU to sanction violators of human rights.”  

It is worth noting that over 130 MEPs, in their statement on the eve of today’s resolution, underlined that “The prospect of change in Iran has never been this accessible. It is time to recognize the right of the Iranian people to defend themselves and to overthrow this regime, and to establish a free and democratic Iran.” 

They also praised the Resistance Units and organized opposition for their “vital role in organizing and sustaining these protests while putting up a resistance front against repression.” 

In addition, the European Parliament, Friends of Free Iran held a meeting with the Iranian opposition president, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, urging the world leaders to support the Iranian people’s right to Resistance and self-defense against the regime’s increasing brutality. 


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