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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsDespite Deployment of IRGC, Regime Unable to Quash Nationwide Iran Uprising

Despite Deployment of IRGC, Regime Unable to Quash Nationwide Iran Uprising


The wave of protests continues across Iran despite the regime’s heavy-handed crackdown. According to the Iranian opposition, over 400 protesters have been killed, mostly teenagers.  

Yet, the full deployment of IRGC and its brutal attacks on the protesters has failed to stem the tide of what many observers believe has the potential to morph into a revolution that would threaten the regime’s very existence. This has not been the first time the IRGC started a killing spree to save the clerical regime. The force is responsible for brutally quashing uprisings in recent years, such as the November 2019 protest with over 1,500 victims.   

Contrary to some narratives by Armchair pundits that Khamenei has not brought in the IRGC to deal with an increasingly precarious situation, all evidence points to the widespread presence of the IRGC, albeit many of them have put on street clothes to camouflage their role in the crackdown.  

On September 30, the security forces opened fire on unarmed prayers and protesters in Zahedan, killing dozens of civilians. Protests ensued, and locals clashed with oppressive forces. During these clashes, as later confirmed by the regime, two top IRGC local commanders were killed, including Ali Mousavi, the IRGC’s deputy Intelligence commander in Sistan and Baluchistan. Mousavi and other IRGC forces were operating as plainclothes agents, shooting unarmed protesters.  

Footage posted on social media indicates long lines of ambulances and busses in front of the IRGC bases, dismounting arrested protesters. Iranians regularly post reports and images on the internet about IRGC officers who are actively participating in crackdowns.  

In a nutshell, the IRGC is the primary force of oppression.  

Several factors explain the current situation  

First, The IRGC is indeed very weak. The entire entity is riddled with corruption and crisis. Its so-called “billion-dollar commanders” are worried about their future as the regime’s collapse draws closer.  The organization is filled with cracks and intelligence loopholes, and a testament to this fact is the recent sacking of Hossein Taeb, the long-serving and highly trusted commander of the IRGC’s Intelligence Organization. Mistrust among its ranks abounds, reflected in the dismissal of Khamenei’s security chief Ebrahim Jabbari. Security breaches that have led to the assassination of top state officials are another testament to the latter.  

Secondly, learning from their past experiences, especially in 2019, the protesters are much better organized, agile, and creative. The expansion of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK)-affiliated Resistance Units has contributed greatly to the organization and longevity of the protests, as admitted by many regime officials in the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches. 

The consistent and continuous activities of the Resistance Units in targeting the regime’s symbols, bases, and other locations have acted as a sledgehammer against the wall of repression. A large banner posted atop a highway read, “We’re no longer afraid. We will fight on.”  

The tide seems to be turning. Western powers should seriously alter their decades-long policy of investing in this regime. They should invest in Iran’s future. Betting on the mullahs is like betting on a losing horse. To this end, the international community should recognize the Iranian people’s right to self-defense to continue their fight for freedom.